
January 2018
Life's Work: A Moral Argument for ChoiceBy Dr. Willie ParkerPublished: 2017More Info: drwillieparker.comPurchase at your local bookstore.
January 2018
Life's Work: A Moral Argument for ChoiceBy Dr. Willie ParkerPublished: 2017More Info: drwillieparker.comPurchase at your local bookstore.
January 2017
Ani is taking a little break from writing book reviews to write a book! Learn more about the forthcoming memoir in Rolling Stone Magazine. She will try to get back...
January 2017
Ani is taking a little break from writing book reviews to write a book! Learn more about the forthcoming memoir in Rolling Stone Magazine. She will try to get back...

December 2016
Sister OutsiderBy Audre LordePublished: 1984More Info: poetryfoundation.orgPurchase at your local bookstore.
December 2016
Sister OutsiderBy Audre LordePublished: 1984More Info: poetryfoundation.orgPurchase at your local bookstore.

November 2016
The Tao of PoohBy Benjamin HoffPublished: 1983More Info: penguinrandomhouse.comPurchase at your local bookstore.
November 2016
The Tao of PoohBy Benjamin HoffPublished: 1983More Info: penguinrandomhouse.comPurchase at your local bookstore.